The Customer install the Cymetricx agent on a CentOS/RHEL server and the Service is active (running) as show in Figure 1. But looking at service logs in the Cymetricx service status and the service session keeps restarting as denoted by:
session opened for user root
session closed for use root
A CentOS or a RedHat server.
SELinux Is enabled and in Enforcing mode by default on CentOS, RHEL servers.
SELinux allows or denies an interaction between a process and a system resource, and by default is blocking every service from running.
Every Service need SELinux to be disabled or permissive mode. For example Forcepoint agent requires SELinux to be disabled.
The command ausearch -m AVC,USER_AVC -ts
recent displays SELinux logs, and as Figure 2 shows, the Cymetricx service is denied from interacting with the OS and from sending HTTPS requests to the Cymetricx server (notice dest 443 and denied).
Figure 3 shows the default SELinux status using the command sestatus
Recommended Actions
The recommended action is:
Disable SELinux using the following command
sudo sed -i 's/enforcing/disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
Reboot the CentOS/RHEL server for the configuration to take effect.
Additional Notes
The output of SELinux status command sestatus
should be similar to Figure 4