Server Settings

Server Settings

Server Settings

To configure Cymetrix server general settings go to:

Administration > System Settings > Server Settings

Or click on this link https://<IP_ADDRESS>/ settings/server


Click “Edit” and fill the required parameters:

Agent Timeout (Seconds): The time in which Cymetricx server will consider that an endpoint is offline if no heartbeat is sent by the endpoint.

Recommended value is 3600 seconds.

Perform Resources scan for assets every (Seconds): The time in which Cymetricx server requests a scan for every endpoint resource which includes CPU, memory and disk Utilization among other things.
Recommended value is 900 seconds.

CID Serial: This is the Customer-ID sent to the customer by Cymetricx.

Auto Update: If enabled this will update Cymetricx server to the latest version without user or manual intervention.

API URL: API URL of the Cymetricx server.
Value: https://<CYMETRICX _IP_ADDRESS>/cymetricxapi/

Hostname: Hostname of the Cymetricx server.
Value: https://<CYMETRICX _IP_ADDRESS>/

Perform auditing scan for assets every (Seconds): The time in which Cymetricx server requests a benchmark scan for every endpoint.
Recommended value is 86400 seconds.

Authentication timeout (Hours): The time in which Cymetricx server will keep you logged in.
Recommended value is 720 hours.

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